Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Whew! What a crazy month it has been. Classes started on the 18th. I'm attending Moorpark instead of COC and I love it. It is a bit of a drive, but I don't mind. Especially when I'm brand new Yaris!!

I bought a polar white 3 door hatch, and I LOVE it. So does Vito. He gets more room...and I ordered a barrier so it is safer until I decide to put a crate back there. I didn't have the seats all the way down in the pic I posted, so it looks slightly funny.

Besides the car and school things have been well. Vito is doing well, and has been making progress in public. I think he feels more confident and I am proud of him! He hasn't been to classes with me yet, but we went to campus orientation. There was a lot of people there and he did well. Of course, we have been taking our trips to Starbucks for study time, and running other errands. A lot of people tell me he is very it is nice to hear that.

GDA switched foods from Canidae to Natural Balance which hasn't completely agreed with Vito, so he is going to GDA tomorrow for that and for a kennel visit! He has gone 2 times now to Camp GDA and everyone says he has a great time! I'm so happy, as I don't want separation anxiety when it is time to leave him for evals or IFT.

Nothing else new going on. I can't believe it is almost September! Where does the time go?


Kasey and Blitz said...

WOW, Vito's so big now!! I can't wait to get him on Tuesdays. I've decided to make Tuesdays my big geocaching days, so that Vito will get lots of exercise when he comes here, as well as a bit of social exposure. Can't wait!!

Denise said...

I bet you are loveing the crate in the car great way to get Vito use to the GDA vans for evals.

Poor Vito sorry the food does not agree with you. I still have not switched Catalina I still have two 40lb bags of Canidae I had just bought 3 days before the food switch letter came out.